Welcome to Paloma Blanca, we ARE GRATEFUL you are here.

Patrícia Tejada



From my earliest memories, home has always been my sanctuary—a place where peace, comfort, and warmth are not just felt but deeply cherished. This love for creating a welcoming ambiance was nurtured in the beautiful landscapes of Brazil, where I spent my childhood on a family farm. There, under the guidance of my mother, I learned the art of transforming spaces into havens of tranquility and warmth. By the age of eight, I was already applying these lessons, contributing to our home’s nurturing environment while my parents worked to provide for us.

The values instilled in me during those formative years—cultivating sacred spaces and understanding the importance of hard work towards achieving goals—have guided me throughout my life. By God’s grace, my journey led me to America, where I embraced new roles as a wife and mother while deepening my faith.

After 25 years of service in creating beautiful spaces for clients, I took a leap of faith in 2021 and founded my company: Paloma Blanca. Launched in 2022, our ecommerce platform initially featured eco-friendly candles and room sprays, designed to enhance any home. We soon expanded our offerings to include personalized gift boxes, perfect for businesses, welcoming clients, or making private events memorable. Each box is a curated blend of our products and carefully selected items that match the occasion, ensuring elegance and creating unforgettable moments.

Our Mission

At Paloma Blanca, our mission is to craft products and experiences that embody peace, love, and positivity, enriching the lives of our clients. We are committed to fostering healthy ambiances wherever you are, continuing to innovate and inspire through our creations.

The Name Paloma Blanca

Paloma is a word from Latin origin which means dove. Blanca is a word from French origin which means white. Together the phrase means “White Dove,” which to us represents the Holy Spirit who reflects love, grace, peace, and tranquility.

Who We Are

Our Products

We support missions
around the world

How We Work